I want to start out by stating that I have the utmost respect for those we classify as first responders, however when it comes to a self-defense or life threatening situation, like it or not, YOU are your first responder. Unless you are completely incapacitated it will likely fall upon you to get you and your family to safety, respond with first aid, and be the defender of yourself and your loved ones.
In the area I live, it was stated in a study that the local police had a response time of approximately 2 minutes to arrive on scene. That is pretty good in my opinion but let’s consider for a moment a few things.
You must first consider the ability for yourself or someone else to be able to call 911. Given the circumstances you might have been caught by surprise and must react immediately, if your home is on fire you must first get yourself and your family to safety. If you wrecked your car in an isolated area and you or someone else is injured you might need to provide first aid until the paramedics arrive (assuming you have cell service or OnStar to call for help)

Are you prepared? Do you have the skill sets needed to defend yourself and your loved ones? Do you have an understanding of first aid? Do you have a plan to get out in case of home invasion or fire?
Let’s go back to that 2 minute response time. You hear a noise (broken glass, a door being kicked in) that wakes you up.
As you come out of your sleep induced brain fog and try to make sense of the noise you begin to realize someone has broken into your home. As you move towards your bedroom door you hear someone (maybe more than one) coming up the stairs. Things have to start happening quickly. You grab your phone and call 911 as your bedroom door begins to open.

This scenario could go many different ways. Take a moment and ask yourself what would I and could I do. Even if the “home invader” did not make their way to your bedroom What might be happening in those few minutes until they arrive? Add to that time to formulate a plan and breach the home. And God forbid you were not able to make the 911 call.
Maybe now is the time to assess your combative skills and look into martial arts training. Supply yourself and learn how to use the contents of a first aid kit. Make sure your home has smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.
Take stock of your first responder skills. Learn and train. Be safe!!
Master Brian Sebastian
Owner and Chief Instructor | Villari’s of Mechanicsburg, PA