Ambler, PA

At Villari’s Self Defense Centers we have a flexible schedule, allowing students to come to whatever class in their age group suits their needs, even changing which class they attend without notice.

Schedule for Ambler location for 9/1/22
Master Cellini breaks bricks in front of Great Grandmaster Villari, dozens of masters and hundreds of students.
Henry, our newest addition to our staff, is a certified instructor and 4th Degree Black Belt.
Griffin & Sensei Art Jacobs
Sensei Art is one of our instructors, is a 4th Degree Black Belt, and is an amazingly technical with his martial arts skills and instruction.
Sensei Alex & Tripp
Sensei Alex is known for two things, her vibrant hair colors, and her amazing energy when teaching classes! Sometimes, those kids with never ending energy can't keep up!