Membership Options:

The Leadership Program

The Leadership Member Program is for the student who wants the absolute MOST out of their training, but also want to help their community and help other students to grow and excel!

As a student, you get to learn some amazing things about the martial arts and yourself.

As a member of the Leadership Program, you get to help OTHERS learn and grow in the martial arts and in the community.

Leadership Students are encouraged to assist with other classes, help out at all community events, and even work within their own neighborhood or community. They often invite other Leadership Students to help and work together on projects or events.

By learning to be leaders in the Dojo and in the community, they learn valuable skills that can help at school or work, interpersonal skills that help make friends, avoid conflict, and even become mentors.

The Leadership Program is by far our most powerful program for those who really want to get the most our of their training.


  • Unlimited Group Lessons

  • Up to 2 ATP Sessions each week

  • Discounts on all purchases

  • Discounts on all PA events

  • Invited to join the DEMO TEAM

  • Allowed to assist with other age groups

  • Special uniform to really stand out!

As with all of our membership options, there are a few important details to know about this program.

  • FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE, meaning you can attend any/all classes each week in the appropriate age group. You don’t have to stick with the same class each week.

  • Up to 2 ATP sessions each week.

  • NO CONTRACTS. You can cancel at any time, for any reason. No fees, no month or more notice needed. Just let us know!

  • ENROLLMENT GUARANTEE. As long as you’re a member, you can make up missed classes in other weeks, even months later.

  • FREEZE POLICY. You can “freeze” classes for up to 8 weeks total in each calendar year.

  • TRAINED, CERTIFIED and QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS. All of our instructors are screened and have passed our Instructors College Training Program, which teaches you how to teach different age groups, learn to be proactive, handle different ability levels and special need students appropriately.

  • SEVERAL PAYMENT OPTIONS to fit your needs.

